Heartbeat 心跳
Lyrics/Composition: Wang Lee Hom (王力宏)
想跟我吵架 我没那麽无聊
Xiang gen wo chao jia Wo mei na me wu liao
You want to argue with me. Im not that bored.
不懂得道歉 我没那麽聪明
Bu dong de dao qian Wo mei na me cong ming
I apologize without understanding. Im not that bright.
Hao xiang yao hui dao wo men de yuan dian
I desire to go back to where we began.
你又在哭泣 我给不了安慰
Ni you zai ku qi Wo gei bu liao an wei
You are crying again. I fail to give you comfort.
我又在摇头 有那麽点後悔
Wo you zai yao tou You na me dian hou hui
Im shaking my head again (disapproving of my actions), thats that much regret.
Ai qing de fa zhan yi nan hui tou que wu fa wang qian zou
Loves progression makes it already hard to turn back, but Im unable to move on.
但身不由己出现在胸口 两颗心能塞几个问号
Dan shen bu you yi chu xian zai xiong kou Liang ke xin neng sai ji ge wen hao
My body still wont leave because of what is currently in my chest. Two hearts can solve many problems.
Ai rang wo men liu duo shao yan lei
How many tears has love made us shed?
Ni de yan shen chong man mei li dai zou de de xin tiao
Your eyes are brimming with beauty to carry away my heartbeat.
Ni de wen rou ru ci kao jin dai zou wo de xin tiao
In this way, you draw closer to take away my heartbeat.
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒
Ni zhuan shi guang dao yi kai shi Neng bu neng gei yi miao
Time has turned back to the beginning. Can you give me a moment?
Deng zhe na yi tian ni ye xiang qi
Im waiting for whatever day when you will also remember
Na xuan zai ji yi zhong de mei hao
That happiness hovering in your memories.