07 luglio 2008

Corso di cinese online Toolbox

Dizionari di Cinese online

  1. MDGB Chinese Language Dictionary
  2. Nciku
  3. Lost Laowai Lictionary - (Trad. Streniero perso)
  4. Zdic.net Chinese Dictionary
  5. Dict.cn
  6. English-Chinese Online Dictionary
  7. ChinaLanguage.com (Dizionario di ideogrammi cinesi)
  8. Kaide’s Dictionary
  9. Zdic.net Chinese Dictionary


  1. Learn Chinese Online Podcast iTunes
  2. Serge Melnyk Podcast iTunes
  3. ChinesePod.com iTunes
  4. iMandarinPod.com iTunes
  5. LearnChinesePod.com iTunes
  6. Mandarin Chinese Conversation iTunes
  7. Mandarin Chinese Lessons from the Peace Corps
  8. Survival Phrases iTunes
  9. CSLpod - Cinese come seconda lingua Podcast
  10. WorldLearner Chinese iTunes
  11. odlook.com - PodCast cinese

  1. Chinese Flash Cards da MIT.edu
  2. Flashcards, Dictionary Software
  3. ZDT Zhongwen Development Tool - Open-source flashcard app
  4. Chinese Flashcards for Palm
  5. Chinese Flashcards, da flashcardexchange
  6. Chinese Online Flashcards - Taiwan
  7. FlashMyBrain.com
  8. Chinapage.com

Software di traduzione and Tools
  1. Adsotrans, dizionari, pinyin generator/annotator.
  2. Translation Webstation. Troppo fico.
  3. YellowBridge.com Diz, Flashcards,
  4. Rikai.com
  5. Popjisyo
  6. Windows Live Translator
  7. Altavista Babelfish Translator
  8. Toshuo Annotated Pinyin Tool
  9. How to Annotate Chinese Characters with Pinyin
  10. Ideographer -
  11. Hanzibar
  12. Clavis Sinica Sowfware di apprendimento cinese
  13. Chinese Homework Trainer Software

Editors per la scrittura in cinese
  1. Chinese Input Editor for Linux
  2. Google’s IME
  3. Wubihua -
  4. Sogou.com’s IME
  5. IME for XP or qui
Siti Video Cinesi

  1. Tudou.com
  2. 56.com
  3. 6.cn
  4. Youku.com
  5. mofile.com
Applicazioni Facebook

  1. Chinese Audio Word of the Day
  2. ChinesePod Facebook App
  3. Learn Chinese with Ioqu8
  4. ChineseTime Daily Dialogue
  5. Google Translate
  6. Language Exchange
  7. italki Language exchange app
  8. xLingo Language Exchange

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